The Gauntlet of Health
“The Gauntlet of Health” is a straight-up Thanos/Infinity War rip off that will likely get us sued and destroy this whole enterprise; But it does serve well as a device for teaching people about health and sleep, and how our decisions can effect our well-being. Also the villain is a Snuggie (as seen on TV), so I guess that’s another lawsuit?
45 pgs
Mostly Black and White
All ages
“The Gauntlet of Health” is a straight-up Thanos/Infinity War rip off that will likely get us sued and destroy this whole enterprise; But it does serve well as a device for teaching people about health and sleep, and how our decisions can effect our well-being. Also the villain is a Snuggie (as seen on TV), so I guess that’s another lawsuit?
45 pgs
Mostly Black and White
All ages
“The Gauntlet of Health” is a straight-up Thanos/Infinity War rip off that will likely get us sued and destroy this whole enterprise; But it does serve well as a device for teaching people about health and sleep, and how our decisions can effect our well-being. Also the villain is a Snuggie (as seen on TV), so I guess that’s another lawsuit?
45 pgs
Mostly Black and White
All ages